What Are Neurolenses? Understanding the Science Behind Them

What Are Neurolenses? Understanding the Science Behind Them


If you've ever experienced symptoms like chronic headaches, neck pain, eye strain, or discomfort during screen time, you’re not alone. These issues are becoming more common in our increasingly digital world, and they often have one thing in common—eye misalignment. Fortunately, there's a cutting-edge solution designed to address this: Neurolenses.

What Are Neurolenses?

Neurolenses are specialized prescription lenses that use a proprietary technology to correct small misalignments in your eyes. Even slight discrepancies in how your eyes work together can lead to significant symptoms, particularly when you spend long periods focusing on nearby objects, such as computer screens or smartphones.

Unlike traditional glasses, which are typically designed to correct issues like nearsightedness or farsightedness, Neurolenses go a step further by addressing what is known as binocular vision dysfunction—when your eyes do not work together as effectively as they should.

The Science Behind Neurolenses

At the heart of Neurolenses is a patented technology known as contoured prism. This prism alters the way light enters your eyes, helping to bring them into alignment and relieving the strain that can result from poor coordination between your eyes.

Here's how the technology works:

•          Binocular Vision: Your brain relies on both eyes working together to create a single image. When this system isn't perfectly aligned, the brain works overtime to compensate, leading to symptoms like headaches and neck strain.

•          Prism Technology: Neurolenses incorporate a special type of prism that adjusts for these subtle misalignments. As a result, the brain doesn’t have to work as hard to create a unified image, which helps reduce or eliminate the associated discomfort.

•          Dynamic Power: One of the unique aspects of Neurolenses is their ability to adjust the amount of correction needed based on where you're looking. For example, your eyes need more help when focusing on near objects (like a phone) than they do when looking at something far away.

What Symptoms Can Neurolenses Help Address?

Neurolenses have been shown to help alleviate a variety of symptoms associated with eye misalignment, especially for people who spend significant time on computers or other digital devices. Some common issues they address include:

•       Chronic Headaches: Many headaches, particularly tension headaches, are linked to eye strain caused by binocular vision dysfunction. Neurolenses can help reduce the frequency and severity of these headaches by ensuring your eyes are properly aligned.

•       Neck and Shoulder Pain: Poor posture and muscle tension often result from eye misalignment, as your body compensates by tilting your head or neck to see clearly. Correcting this misalignment can reduce muscle strain in the neck and shoulders.

•       Digital Eye Strain: Spending extended periods of time looking at screens can exacerbate issues caused by eye misalignment, leading to symptoms like blurry vision, tired eyes, and discomfort. Neurolenses can alleviate these symptoms by improving the coordination of your eye muscles during close-up work.

•       Dry Eyes: Eye misalignment can lead to overcompensation, resulting in decreased blink rates and contributing to dry eyes. By helping your eyes work more efficiently together, Neurolenses can indirectly improve dry eye symptoms as well.

•       Dizziness or Motion Sickness: When your eyes are misaligned, it can confuse the signals being sent to your brain, leading to dizziness or a sense of imbalance. Neurolenses help to restore proper visual function, reducing these symptoms.

How Do I Know If I Need Neurolenses?

The first step to discovering if Neurolenses are right for you is to visit Skyline Vision Care for a comprehensive eye exam. During this exam, we will evaluate your visual alignment and conduct a test using a Neurolens Measurement Device (NMD). This advanced technology helps to pinpoint even the smallest misalignments in your eyes, allowing us to determine if Neurolenses could help alleviate your symptoms.

Schedule a Consultation with Skyline Vision Care Today

Neurolenses offer a revolutionary approach to treating eye misalignment and its associated symptoms, from headaches to digital eye strain. If you’ve tried other solutions without success or are looking for a way to reduce discomfort caused by long hours of screen time, Neurolenses may be the answer.

To learn more about how Neurolenses can improve your quality of life, schedule a consultation with Skyline Vision Care. Visit our office in Elkhorn, Nebraska, or call (402) 446-4600 to book your appointment today.

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